FINNQUEER Jan 1, 2001

A new web magazine opened - FinnQueer Policy

FinnQueer Editorial Collective

FinnQueer is a new radical web magazine which supports the equality of minorities, and defends freedom of expression and freedom of science. FinnQueer opposes and criticises ideologies of oppression (sexism, religious fundamentalism, racism, heterosexism) and censorship. Its full sections in English and Swedish will be published during 2002.

Founding editors

FinnQueer is an international postmodern critical magazine aligned with new social movements and scientific thought (queer theory, social constructionism and genealogical moral philosophy). FinnQueer co-operates with radical movements in various countries which criticise bureaucratic structures within science and social movements themselves as well as Nordic grassroots movements (such as sexual and gender equality movements, men's movements, women's movements, anti-racist movements).

FinnQueer monitors international web newspapers and publications, newsgroups, websites and international organisations supporting equality. FinnQueer informs about the development in an easily readable and critical style in Finnish, Swedish, and English. Members of FinnQueer participate in international and Finnish movements and conferences.

FinnQueer analyses the mental and social problems associated with minority status and discrimination in general and provides a forum for solutions and discussion. FinnQueer is an information and education channel for schools, scientific research institutions and universities and anti-discrimination policy.

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