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 FINNQUEER   Jul 27, 2024   
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The history and present-day struggle for the social and legal equality of Finnish sexual and gender minorities

*   Socio-Sexual Health in Finland, Iceland, United States - Essay summary
Feb 25, 2004 / David Megathlin
This is a summary of David Megathlin's article Socio-Sexual Health: Critical Essay on the Cultural Systems of Three Western Countries: Finland-Iceland-United States. Complete article available here. ... Read more

*   The American Psychoanalytic Association Supports Gay/Lesbian Parenting
May 28, 2002 / Gary Grossman, Ph.D.
The American Psychoanalytic Association Announces Position Statement on Gay/Lesbian Parenting. During the 91st annual meeting of The American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) held recently in Philadelphia, APsaA members announced their support of the position that the primary consideration in decisions about parenting, including conception, child... Read more

*   Civil Union Law Demonstration in Front of Finnish Parliament, September 27, 2001
Sep 28, 2001 / Mikko Tuomela and Olli Stålström
The Finnish Parliament passed a Civil Union Law making same-gender partnerships legally accepted. A large demonstration took place a day before the final vote. Click the photos with your mouse to make them... Read more

*   Memorandum to the Finnish Parliament, April 17, 2001 - claims of the ex-gay movement lack scientific foundation
Sep 9, 2001 / Jorma Hentilä
The following memorandum was sent to all Finnish Members of Parliament by Jorma Hentilä, Guest Chief Editor of Z Magazine of the Finnish Organisation for Sexual Equality in order to clarify the scientific validity of the claims of the Finnish religious right used to oppose the civil union bill debated in the Finnish Parliament in... Read more

*   Letter from the American Psychiatric Association to the Finnish Parliament
Sep 9, 2001 / Jack Drescher
The Chair of the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Committee on Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues, psychoanalyst Jack Drescher, sent the following letter to all Finnish Members of Parliament in September 2001 through the web magazine FinnQueer to inform about the APA's stand on civil unions for same-gender people. ... Read more

*   Letter of protest because of distortion of scientific data by Finnish religious right May 16, 2001
*   Letter from the American Psychoanalytic Association to the Finnish Parliament May 7, 2001
*   A new web magazine opened - FinnQueer Policy Jan 1, 2001
*   Olli Stålström defends freedom of speech in the Tampere Municipal Court on December 3, 1999 Dec 3, 1999
*   Bieber is alive and well and lives in Finland! Aug 8, 1996

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